China is using PETROL to attack India | Geopolitics by Abhi and Niyu

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In this video, Abhi and Niyu discuss how China-Saudi partnership is a threat to India and America.

Important points to note:

Who is MBS?
Mohammed bin Salman, commonly referred to as MBS, is the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia and the kingdom’s deputy prime minister. He has gained international attention for his aggressive domestic reforms, including modernizing the Saudi economy and lifting the ban on women driving, as well as his role in the country’s foreign policy, including the blockade of Qatar and the intervention in Yemen’s civil war.

What was the PetroDollar Agreement?
The PetroDollar agreement, signed in the 1970s, tied the value of oil to the US dollar, making the dollar the currency of choice for international oil transactions. This agreement solidified the US dollar’s role as the dominant global reserve currency and ensured a steady demand for US dollars, supporting its value. The agreement has had a significant impact on the global economy and the balance of power between countries, as nations must hold US dollars to purchase oil.

A video by Abhiraj Rajadhyaksha & Niyati Mavinkurve

The geopolitical relationship between India and China has been a topic of intense scrutiny and debate in recent times. The two nations, both emerging as global powers, share a complex and often contentious history. Tensions have flared up in recent years, particularly due to territorial disputes along their shared border and competition for regional influence.

The geopolitical dynamic between India and China has far-reaching implications for the stability of the region and the world at large. Both nations have invested heavily in modernizing their military and are expanding their economic and diplomatic reach.

It’s important to understand the historical and cultural roots of the India-China relationship and how it has evolved over time. The border dispute between the two nations, which dates back to the 1962 Sino-Indian War, continues to be a major source of tension.

The rivalry between India and China has been further exacerbated by the rapid rise of China as a major global power, which has led to growing concerns about China’s expanding influence in the region.

In order to better understand the current geopolitical situation, it’s crucial to take a nuanced and holistic approach that considers the various factors at play, including economic, military, and cultural dynamics.

This video provides a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the current state of the India-China relationship and what it means for the future of the region and the world. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of one of the most important geopolitical issues of our time.

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Abhi and Niyu is the fastest growing Indian educational YouTube channel. Abhi and Niyu are a husband-wife couple who believe in the power of our youth.

Abhi and Niyu started their page to talk about positive, impactful ideas and to inspire offline action from online content. It was a way to change the way our negative feeds operated and replace negative news with positive, action-oriented news that made some change. They decode and simplify issues for Millenials and believe small steps lead to big outcomes in the future. Their videos span different genres like history, environment, and sustainability, policy discussions, social commentary, economics, personal finance, among others.


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