Eschatology of Abrahamic and Indian religions Pt. 1 of 2

By Jodi Mogavero,thought professor Rev. Dr. James Kenneth Powell II, The end times are presented globally. Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Christian and Muslim end times are to be the subject. Second coming of Christ. The end of days is very similar. We hear of the Whole Earth to come in Judaism. The human leader like David for them, will come. The olam Havah the souls will take its share from this world to come and survive or be destroyed. Torah study is part of prep for the world to come. The judgment will come. Books of Daniel serve as the source for Jews. The ten kings are discussed. The Messianic king and one like a son of man will arise. The Christian eschatology of course involves the New Testament and Jesus. The Revelation of John plays the biggest role in this one and the four horsemen do their thing. The antichrist is then presented. The thousand year reign of Christ is discussed. The good will rule for that time, then Satan! The Book of Life and final judgement will result in the lake of fire death. Jesus returns. Islam is next. The Mahdi will conquer the anti-christ and Christ will return. The Sunnis think both Isa Jesus and the Mahdhi will defeat the anti-christ. The angel trumpets the day of resurrection before al-Lah. Then heaven or hell results. Men will look like women and vice versa. Destruction of tall buildings should’ve been the Twin Towers, no? Hindus are next, for reincarnation is important. Many millions of years are involved. The Kali yuga and Kalki means Time as the avatar is such. When religion dissolves, Vishnu will send this avatar. Buddhism talks of the coming Maitreya. When theft etc crimes grow, he will come. Men and gods will lose their doubts and cross the ocean of becoming. Maitreya kills no one. In each, a higher power must appear at the end. A belief in what is to come is a vital part of spiritual life. Either the way it was, or an unimaginable future, all these cultures share this idea.


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