
सनातन धर्म की सुंदरता | Beauty Of Sanatan Dharma | #sanatandharma #hinduism #hindu #india

वैदिक काल में भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप के धर्म के लिये ‘सनातन धर्म’ नाम मिलता है। ‘सनातन’ का अर्थ है – शाश्वत या ‘सदा बना रहने वाला’, अर्थात् जिसका न आदि है न अन्त। सनातन धर्म मूलतः भारतीय धर्म है, जो किसी समय पूरे बृहत्तर भारत (भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप) तक व्याप्त रहा है। #sanatandharma #hinduism #hindu #india #hindutva […]

Life As A Young and Native American | Indigenous Voices

Almost three million people currently identify as Native American — despite this, their place in both our history, and the modern day, is largely ignored. For a century, the U.S government believed what was best for Native American kids was to strip them of their families and communities, their culture and language, their hair and […]