
Bridging Worlds: From Girmitya to Government – The Journey of Indians in Mauritius (40.46 Mins.)

The social fabric of Mauritius is premised on a very strong conscious sense of multiculturalism. The Indian Diaspora is a majority in Mauritius and mainly comprises the descendants of the Girmitya’s or the indentured labourers who migrated, voluntarily and involuntarily, to Mauritius during the colonial era. In a self-conscious effort to forge an inclusive All […]

Life As A Young and Native American | Indigenous Voices

Almost three million people currently identify as Native American — despite this, their place in both our history, and the modern day, is largely ignored. For a century, the U.S government believed what was best for Native American kids was to strip them of their families and communities, their culture and language, their hair and […]