
Shri Rahul Gandhi addresses the Indian diaspora in New York, USA

Mr. Sam Pitroda is an internationally respected telecom inventor, entrepreneur, development thinker, and policymaker who has spent 50 years in information and communications technology (ICT) and related global and national developments. Twitter : www.twitter.com/sampitroda Facebook: www.facebook.com/sampitroda Instagram: www.instagram.com/samgpitroda Web: www.sampitroda.com source

STIP 2020: Consultation with Indian Diaspora

The Indian diaspora reflects the multiplicity and variety of the rich social, ethnic, religious and cultural diversity of the land of its origin. With the emergence of a new range of opportunities and challenges across diverse sectors and themes, including economic growth, trade or post-crisis recovery and realising sustainable development goals, collaborations with Diaspora communities […]