
India’s Biggest Transgender Marriage – Full Documentary

Koovagam, Tamil Nadu: Koovagam hosts India’s biggest transgender festival. As per the 2011 census of India, more than 5 lakh transgenders are living in India. Most of the transgender’s livelihood is mainly dependent upon three things begging, offering blessings on auspicious occasions, and Prostitution. When living in such harsh realities Koovagam festival offers transgenders happiness […]

Indian Religious Leaders on Homosexuality

Leaders belonging to different religions on Thursday warned the government of India against any attempt to legalize homosexuality in the country. They welcomed the recent Supreme Court order criminalizing homosexuality. Following the apex court order on 11 Dec, some top leaders of the ruling Congress party have hinted at amendment in the section 377 of […]

Life As A Young and Native American | Indigenous Voices

Almost three million people currently identify as Native American — despite this, their place in both our history, and the modern day, is largely ignored. For a century, the U.S government believed what was best for Native American kids was to strip them of their families and communities, their culture and language, their hair and […]