Motivating Thoughts of Mahavira: Inspiring Words from Lord Mahavira by Dulichand Jain ‘Sahityaratna’ (Inspirational & Motivational Thoughts)

From the Publisher

Motivating Thoughts of Mahavira by Dulichand Jain ‘Sahityaratna’

Motivating Thoughts of MahaviraMotivating Thoughts of Mahavira

His teachings about compassion and non-violence can be a major driving force in the present times.

Jainism is one of the ancient religions of India and an integral part of Indian culture. Lord Mahavira was the twenty-fourth Tirthankara of this religion. His sermons have been extensively documented in the Jain Agamas. His powerful teachings shed light on the philosophy of Jainism as well as on the moral and spiritual values for everyday life. His teachings about compassion and non-violence can be a major driving force in the present times. In today’s world, which is ruled by the hunger for power and possessiveness, Mahavira’s teachings need to be spread far and wide so that human beings may be inspired with humanity and humane values once again.

In this handy book ‘Motivating Thoughts of Mahavira’, Dulichand Jain presents a selection of some of the finest aphorisms from the ancient Jaina texts. For easy comprehension, he has divided the sutras into topics, such as knowledge and conduct, conquest of passions, doctrine of karma, reflection and intuition, learning, meditation and righteousness. He has given a simple title for every single aphorism along with the reference number. Its simple and lucid presentation will make it useful for the laypersons, students as well as scholars.



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Motivating Thoughts of Mahavira

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तीस वर्ष की आयु में गृह त्याग करके; उन्होंने एक लँगोटी तक का परिग्रह रखा। हिंसा; पशुबलि; जात-पाँत का भेदभाव जिस युग में बढ़ गया; उसी युग में भगवान् महावीर का जन्म हुआ। उन्होंने दुनिया को सत्य व अहिंसा का पाठ पढ़ाया। तीर्थंकर महावीर स्वामी ने अहिंसा को उच्चतम नैतिक गुण बताया।

Rochak Bodhkathayein

अच्छा कर्म; अच्छा ज्ञान; अच्छा चरित्र; इंद्रिय-विजय; मन पर नियंत्रण; भावना; एकाग्रता एवं स्मरण-शक्ति जैसे सद्गुणों को जब कहानियों में गुंफित किया जाता है तो वे बहुत रोचक हो जाते हैं। मानव-मूल्यों को सर्वसुलभ बनाने के लिए प्रेरक बोधकथाओं का उत्कृष्ट संकलन।

Jain Dharma Ki Kahaniyan

जैन कथा साहित्य के कथानक बड़े मर्मस्पर्शी हैं और व्यापक भी। जीवन के शाश्वत तत्त्वों का इनमें निरूपण हुआ है तथा पात्रों का चरित्र स्वाभाविक रूप में होने के कारण सर्वग्राह्य बन पड़ा है। इन कहानियों में तीर्थंकरों; श्रमणों एवं श्लाकापुरुषों की जीवनगाथाएँ मुख्य हैं; जिनमें धर्म के सिद्धांतों का स्पष्टीकरण होता चलता है।

Motivating Thoughts of Mahavira

His teachings about compassion and non-violence can be a major driving force in the present times. In today’s world; which is ruled by the hunger for power and possessiveness; Mahavira’s teachings need to be spread far and wide so that human beings may be inspired with humanity and humane values once again.

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Dulichand Jain

Dulichand Jain ( 1st November 1936), lives with family at Chennai.

His articles are regularly published in leading magazines. A recipient of the ‘Life Time Achievement Award’ from the United Writers’ Association in 1999, he has been honoured by World Jain Confederation, Mumbai in December 2013. He has also received a Hon. Doctorate in Philosophy from Washington University.

He was invited by Federation of Jain Associations of North America to deliver lectures at the Jaina Convention held in 2001 at Chicago, USA.

He is Chairman of Karuna International, Chennai; and also guides several reputed social cultural organization.

He was secretary of Research Foundation for Jainology and Jain Vidyashram at Chennai for fourteen years. He has received several eminent Awards.

Dulichand Jain, an educationalist and social activist is the author of widely circulated books on Jain Philosophy and dictum : Jainvani ke moti (Hindi), Pearls of Jains Wisdom (English), Springs of Jaina Wisdom (English & Hindi), Universal Message of Lord Mahavira (English), Wisdom of Mahavira (English & Hindi), Main Mahavir Bol Raha Hoon (Hindi).

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Prabhat Prakashan (24 April 2018)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
File size ‏ : ‎ 1547 KB
Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
Print length ‏ : ‎ 137 pages