
(V49) (Comparing Parliamentary & Presidential Government, UK vs India Model) Polity by M. Laxmikanth

Insta – https://www.instagram.com/hrsht.dwivedi Telegram Link – https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEaGyvEhHL31Qi-USg This is the 49th video of Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth sixth edition. # Reasons For Adopting Parliamentary System # Comparing Parliamentary and Presidential Systems # Distinction Between Indian & British Models Watch the video for more details. #upscpolity #laxmikanthpolitybook #laxmikanthpolityvideos #mlaxmikanthconstitution Indian Polity by M. Laxmikanth Complete […]

Difference between Parliamentary System VS Presidential System | UK | US | India

#ParliamentaryformofGovt #PresidentialformofGovt #studyplanet #duexams #sol #politicalscience #baprogram #du #polsci #bahons #ignouexams #ignou #manishthakur #solexams Presidential form of government President does not have nominal powers. He is both the head of the executive and the head of the state. As the head of the executive, he has a ceremonial position. As the head of the government, […]

Parliamentary System Lecture | Indian Polity | UPSC GS 2

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