
#Exclusive: ‘Indian intellectuals’ poisoning India’s reputation internationally: Salvatore Babones

Salvatore Babones, Associate Professor at the University of Sydney, recently authored a research paper “Indian Democracy at 75: Who Are the Barbarians at the Gate?”, published by Quadrant magazine, on India’s democracy rankings. In an #exclusive #interview, Dr Salvatore Babones told The Australia Today’s Editor, Pallavi Jain that #India is crucial for the defence of […]

Why Indian Intellectuals Hate India? | Are Democracy Ratings Reliable?

The anti-India bias that has crept into the minds of the people, which has been fuelled by the leftist-liberal academia of India. This propagation of Euro-centric bias has been deliberately aimed at disrupting the strides India is taking globally and sidelining the positives of Indian culture. #indianhistory #indian #hindutva #thejaipurdialogues The Jaipur Dialogues Website – […]