How Likely Is An India China War? | Abijit Iyer Mitra

How Likely Is An India China War? | Abijit Iyer Mitra

India and China despite being literal neighbours, sharing major borders and trade, have lukewarm or just plain bad relations. India’s Narendra Modi is increasingly wary of the growing Chinese belligerence and strategic rivalry it has to New Delhi’s geopolitical interests. Abhijit Iyer Mitra shares his views on these two major powers tensions and whether India […]
Is Modi’s India Finally Challenging China’s Aggression? | Abhijit Iyer-Mitra

Is Modi’s India Finally Challenging China’s Aggression? | Abhijit Iyer-Mitra

India’s election and unexpected result for Narendra Modi’s BJP is changing Indian foreign policy, especially over China and the Indo-Sino relationship. Beijing’s continued antagonistic behaviour and Xi Jinping’s policies are escalating tensions with New Delhi, causing India to align closer to the USA. In this Part 3, Abhijit Iyer-Mitra – a leading and influential voice […]