
EXCLUSIVE: Professor Salvatore Babones Takes On Anti-India, Anti-Hindu Intellectuals | India | West

EXCLUSIVE: Professor Salvatore Babones Takes on Anti-India, Anti-Hindu Intellectuals | India | West In an exclusive conversation with Firstpost, Australian sociologist and academic Salvatore Babones (Associate Professor, University of Sydney) spoke at great length about how intellectuals in India and the West have an ‘anti-India’ bias. The academic – whose recent comments on Indian intellectuals […]

India Takes Action on Pakistan on LOC I Unknown Gunman Exposed Jammu Kashmir

India Takes Action on Pakistan on LOC I Unknown Gunman Exposed Jammu Kashmir #india #pakistan #unknowngunman #deftalks NEW CHANNEL LINK: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMDWKjf52UP55TF4a5sxmQg DEF Talks is a space for clear cut discussions on important subjects of current affairs of the world with a prime focus to the Indian Subcontinent. I cover issues related to conflicts, Geopolitics, Military […]