
Anthropology optional for UPSC – Social structure of traditional Indian society – IAS Optional Mains

Enrol to StudyIQ’s Flagship UPSC IAS (Pre + Mains) LIVE Foundation Batch 9. Admissions closing on 10 DEC’22 | Enrol now – https://bit.ly/upscbatch9 A time-tested focused method for clearing Prelims 2023 1. Live Classes 2. Static and Current Affairs Booklets 3. Workbook-based Test Series Join our flagship ‘UPSC IAS Live SIP+ 2023 Batch’ to prepare […]

Modern India – Chronology of Important Events || Project Setu|| History Revision||Mana La Excellence

Modern India – Chronology of Important Events To download the notes click on the below link – https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pkFd6k1awPtazObRi_i5ky8RJ8AfvheA?usp=sharing ======================================================================== Telugu CA PPT and Written Notes Link- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BPDERhFyS6-jqPCTiI5eyPVYPBuK_E4Z?usp=sharing Current Affairs Notes for Competitive Exams https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vmS-3sClQq-fC3sKA9VieCS2tLlQzfR4?usp=sharing PIB Weekly Current Affairs PDF Link- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aw05sUbWd4jh276ZK60H9_edopPOlXtv?usp=sharing Mana La Excellence channel is to provide for quality content to the students in […]