Ep 17 Part 1 – Are Indian Intellectuals Anti India – Salvatore Babones

Ep 17 Part 1 – Are Indian Intellectuals Anti India – Salvatore Babones

1. Of all the countries in the world, why did you choose India as a subject of your study
2. What are some very standout facts that stand in stark contrast to reality in these International Measurement Systems
3. What was your point of contention with Rajdeep Sardesai and Shekhar Gupta
4. Why do you absolve Western Intellectuals of any responsibility
5. Role of the media especially in the West?
6. State of Media freedom in India?
7. Why do you think India should not be a member of the Security Council?
8. Indian love for Western validation is it justified or does the international reach truly have an impact on India?
9. How does this negative coverage impact popular perception in the West about India? Does it impact people to people cross cultural contact?
10. Why do China, Japan and many other countries in the East do not face as many issues as India does?

The Indic Explorer channel is a platform to explore different facets of Indic Culture and its relationship with modernity. Our flagship show will be The Indic Paradigm where we will speak to interesting people from different spheres of Indic cultural space that represent the finest creative and intellectual minds who represent our culture.

Our endeavor is to reach out to culturally conscious younger people who are deeply tied to the values of the culture while still embracing modernity. We will soon be bringing interesting discussions on different topics ranging from culture, civilizational issues, history, geopolitics, philosophy, music, literature dance, art and architecture.

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