The Origins of Dowry System in India | Is Dowry a Hindu Custom? | Dowry in India

Please watch: “This film CHANGES Indian History?? | GREATEST BETRAYAL IN INDIAN HISTORY | PRACHYAM” –~–
The Dowry system was not a Hindu custom but was brought to India by the British. We have been told twisted narratives about the regressive history of Hinduism and the dowry system. Let’s change it together.

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00:00 Portrayal of India as a patriarchal society by the colonizers
00:26 Dowries in ancient civilizations
00:49 Dowry was brought to India by British Raj
01:12 Concept of Streedhan: Wealth controlled by women
01:23 British law of property gave powers to male heir
01:37 Historians blamed hinduism
01:53 Hypocrisy of the West


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